What is adaptive camping? To us it means applying creative solutions to enjoy our outdoor environment. Such as tools that can help with needed tasks or modified equipment to make its use easier or finding existing resources to use.
A popular resource we found in our research was what the National Park Service provides for those with a disability.
The “America the Beautiful Access Pass” is a free pass, providing admittance to more than 2,000 recreation sites. Five Federal agencies manage over these sites. Additionally, at many sites the Access Pass provides the pass owner a discount on Expanded Amenity Fees (such as camping, swimming, boat launching, and guided tours).
The Access Pass admits pass owners and passengers in a noncommercial vehicle at per-vehicle fee areas. Also, admit pass owner and up to 3 additional adults, in areas where per-person fees apply. (Children under 16 are always admitted free.) Note: Photo identification will be requested to verify pass ownership.
You can get an “America the Beautiful Access Pass“, with proper documentation, from a participating Federal recreation site or office. Use this NPS link to find a park and to learn more about each National Park, and their accessibility.
Information found at TheHandiCamper.com
With today’s wonderful technology, there are many adaptive vehicles and wheelchair options available that enable one to explore Mother Nature. With cooler evenings approaching, what better time to pack up your camping gear and check out some local campsites? Read the tips below to find the best adaptive campsite near you:
- Always be sure to call ahead and reserve an accessible spot. These will include extra-wide paved paths, modified accessible tables and water fountains, along with accessible restrooms and ramps at building entrances.
- Come ready with the proper gear. If you prefer a tent over an accessible RV or cabin, make sure to bring one that is large enough to accommodate your chair, with a dome entrance that allows you to enter and exit easily and safely. Manufacturers have also developed disability-friendly tents for purchase. These tents are intended to allow wheelchair users to directly roll into the front entrance. In addition, these accessible tents include other features such as a wheelchair storage room, a separate sleeping section with space for a raised cot, and a sliding front door for assistance.
- Check out the Handicapped Travel Club. It is a national group for both disabled and non-disabled camping enthusiasts. The idea of the club is to inspire, aid and encourage campers with disabilities. The organization’s dues are inexpensive and support is unlimited. Local camping clubs can also be found in a large variety of cities.
- Is RV camping more your style? Visit rv-camping.org for an extensive list of just about everything you could need for general RV camping across the nation.
Information found at Wheel-ChairSolutions.com
A tip we’ve come across on our own is Haulin’ Hooks from LPG Muscle. These are great for those missing fingers or with a lack of grip strength. These can help in lifting/toting situations and probably several other applications we haven’t run into yet.

Here is a collection of other Adaptive Camping/Outdoors resources
- NubAbility Sports Outdoor Program
- HandiHelp outdoor & hunting adaptations
- AdaptiveOutdoorsman
- Be Adaptive Equipment
- AbleOutdoors
We will continue to update this page as we find new resources and information. Have a tip? Use our contact form or any of our social media links to connect with us to share!