Sam has been having an awesome time in his 2/3 class. They recently put on a play about Charlotte’s Web. He really got into his part as Templeton.

Here’s the full performance if you’re interested:
Sam has been having an awesome time in his 2/3 class. They recently put on a play about Charlotte’s Web. He really got into his part as Templeton.
Here’s the full performance if you’re interested:
Sam tested into the 2/3 High Ability class at his school and is enjoying being challenged by this new environment. We talked about things a lot before making the decision for him to join this class as they spend a good amount of time involved in Third Grade activities (not only academically but socially). He wanted the challenge and had a few really good friends that would be in the class as well.
So then we were on to the next topic, the first day of class. There would be quite a few kids that didn’t know him at all unlike First Grade, when the majority of the kids remembered the Kindergarten presentation on Differences. Instead of a letter this year, Sam wanted to take his brand new book Different is Awesome in to read.
We were so lucky at the beginning of Sam’s school year. Not only did we get such great support from the school and his amazing teacher, but great support came from so many of the other parents as well. We also received a lot of support from the Limb Different community as a whole, but especially from our dear friend Ryan from
He and his family were headed through our town on the way to the Helping Hands Midwest Picnic; he asked if Sam’s school would be open to him delivering his “Different is Awesome” talk. I told him that I thought it was unlikely given that it would be the second day of classes but that I would ask anyway. Sam’s teacher was thrilled at the offer and asked if the other three kindergarten classes could join as well. Ryan loved the idea.
The day of the talk came and Sam was so excited to share one of his limb different friends with his new classmates.
Continue reading LivingOneHanded visits MySpecialHand!
Here’s a snippet from Sam’s Kindergarten Music Program. We have a longer one that we’ll try to get up later.
So cute!
We’re so excited for Sam to start Kindergarten next week… and nervous.
Sam is a younger brother, so it’s not that Elementary School is a new and unexplored territory for us. We’re nervous because we’re not sure how this whole classroom of strangers is going to treat him and his limb difference. We want to be the optimist that says, “Everything will be fine, everyone will just accept him as he is and they’ll all play together in harmony!” but that’s not very likely. The opposite view is just as unlikely. The reality will end up somewhere between. We wonder aloud, “Have we prepared him enough? Have we given him the tools to meet any situation he will face at a new school?” The answer is, of course, “no” but we feel like we’ve given him a framework of skills to help him approach the situations he may face.
Continue reading Sam is starting Kindergarten
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